Sunday, June 20, 2010

Majadahonda, a tour with disproportionate amounts of grafitti

The weather was really awful in Madrid for the past two weeks, but we don't care because now we're living the easy life in Pineda, which is a little beach town near Barcelona. I'll put up some pictures soon. This is Majadahonda, it's a really nice suburb of Madrid, even though they let people dump their garbage/graffiti in the old ruins around the town. The picture above is my street and the others are pictures from my usual walking route. That picture below was my most impressive self timer feat yet, 10 seconds to run through an obstacle course of broken glass, beer cans, crumbling bricks etc, it was quite a sprint. It really is a nice place to live, although I'm sure I didn't capture it's grandeur in these gloomy, trash-filled pictures

Martina's end of the year program. Era un helado, que preciosa!

Guapa, hermosa, preciosa, bonita, chula! Presenting Miss Martina the princess, guapisima!!! These are a couple pictures of us playing dress up. She is such a great model/fashion designer/make up designer/hair stylist. You can't tell in the pictures, but we both had blue lipstick on.

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